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Embark on a journey through time at the Israel Museum, a treasure trove that encapsulates over 5000 years of human culture, art, and history.

From colossal statues of ancient civilizations in the Archaeological Wing to modern masterpieces in the Fine Arts Wing, the museum offers a profound glimpse into the past.

Its most revered exhibit, the Dead Sea Scrolls, represents a cornerstone of biblical history. Whether you’re a newcomer to Jewish culture or a seasoned historian, the museum’s diverse galleries and interactive displays promise an enriching experience.

Before immersing yourself in this cultural odyssey, it’s advisable to pick up a complimentary audio guide from the visitors’ center.

A half-day tour might seem sufficient, but many visitors find themselves drawn in for a full day, with options for dining at the excellent Modern restaurant or two on-site cafes.

The Archaeological Wing

Begin your exploration in the Archaeological Wing, where the chronicles of the Holy Land unfold. Marvel at the 13th-century BCE clay coffins, a mosaic floor depicting Achilles’ life from the 3rd century, and the “House of David” Victory Stele. Don’t miss the Venus of Berekhat Ram, the world’s earliest known artwork and the treasure trove of the Nahal Mishmar.

The Archaeological Wing of the Israel Museum in Jerusalem stands as a testament to the rich and diverse history of the Holy Land, encompassing thousands of years from prehistoric times to the Ottoman period.

This wing is not just a collection of artifacts; it’s a narrative of human civilization in the region, told through the objects that people left behind. Here’s a more detailed look at what the Archaeological Wing has to offer:

Chronological Journey through History

  • Prehistory of the Ottoman Empire: The wing is organized chronologically, presenting a seamless journey through time. It begins with prehistoric artifacts and continues through various historical periods, including the Canaanite, Israelite, Babylonian, Persian, Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine, Islamic, and Ottoman periods.

Notable Exhibits

  • 13th-Century BCE Clay Coffins: One of the first exhibits you encounter is a collection of human-shaped clay coffins from the 13th century BCE. These coffins provide a unique insight into the burial customs and artistic sensibilities of ancient civilizations in the region.
  • 3rd-Century Mosaic Floor from Nablus: This intricate mosaic depicts scenes from the life of the Greek hero Achilles, showcasing the artistic and cultural influences of the Hellenistic period in the region.
  • “House of David” Victory Stele: A crucial piece of historical evidence, this stele is significant for mentioning the “House of David.” It’s a rare contemporary, extra-biblical reference to the Davidic dynasty, dating back to the First Temple period.

Highlights of the Collection

  • Venus of Berekhat Ram: One of the earliest known works of art in human history, this small stone figure is believed to have been modified by humans over 230,000 years ago, making it a significant artifact in the study of the origins of art.
  • The Nahal Mishmar Treasure: This collection of approximately 400 copper artifacts, including scepters and crown-like items, represents advanced metalwork skills from the Chalcolithic period. Their intricate designs and craftsmanship offer insight into the technological and artistic capabilities of the time.
  • The Silver Amulets: Predating the Dead Sea Scrolls by 500 years, these amulets bear ancient biblical texts and are among the oldest known biblical manuscripts.
  • Ossuary of Jesus, son of Joseph: This ossuary, dating back to the 1st century, offers a fascinating glimpse into burial customs of the time and indicates the commonality of names like Jesus and Joseph in that era.

Interactive and Educational Aspects

  • Special Exhibitions and Events: The museum often hosts special exhibitions and events focusing on specific aspects of the collection, offering more profound insights into various historical periods or themes.

Importance of the Wing

The Archaeological Wing is not just a display of ancient objects; it’s a space where history comes alive. Visitors can connect with the past tangibly and understand the Holy Land’s cultural, historical, and religious significance. This wing is essential for anyone interested in archaeology, history, or the cultural heritage of this region.

The Shrine of the Book

Next, visit the iconic Shrine of the Book, under its lid-shaped roof, designed to echo the pots housing the Dead Sea Scrolls. Inside, find the Great Isaiah Scroll and the Aleppo Codex, alongside artifacts illustrating the life of the Essenes.

The Shrine of the Book is a unique and integral part of the Israel Museum, dedicated to housing and displaying some of the most significant documents in Jewish history, including the Dead Sea Scrolls. Here’s a detailed look at what the Shrine of the Book offers:

Architectural Design

  • Distinctive Appearance: The building is renowned for its striking design, featuring a white, dome-shaped roof that resembles the lid of the jars where the Dead Sea Scrolls were initially found. This design is symbolic and intentional, connecting the architecture to the contents within.
  • Symbolism of Light and Darkness: The white dome of the Shrine represents the “Sons of Light,” a term used by the Essenes, who are believed to have authored some of the scrolls. In contrast, a black basalt wall stands nearby, symbolizing the “Sons of Darkness,” which refers to their enemies in the Essenes’ texts. This architectural element reflects the dualism found in the Essenes’ beliefs.

The Dead Sea Scrolls

  • Discovery and Significance: The Dead Sea Scrolls, discovered between 1947 and 1956 in the Qumran Caves, are some of the oldest known biblical manuscripts, dating back to the third century BCE. They include texts from the Hebrew Bible, apocryphal works, and sectarian manuscripts.
  • Exhibition and Conservation: The Scrolls are displayed in a carefully controlled environment to ensure their preservation. Among them, the Great Isaiah Scroll is notable for its completeness and remarkable state of conservation.

The Aleppo Codex

  • Historical Value: The Aleppo Codex, also housed in the Shrine of the Book, is a medieval bound manuscript of the Hebrew Bible. Dating from the 10th century CE, it is significant for its textual accuracy and is an essential source for scholars studying the Hebrew scripture.
  • Survival and Preservation: The Codex has a tumultuous history, surviving a fire and other threats before being smuggled to Jerusalem. Its presence in the Shrine is a testament to the survival of Jewish textual heritage.

Educational and Interactive Displays

  • Insights into the Essenes: The Shrine of the Book offers extensive information about the Essenes, the ascetic Jewish sect believed to have authored many of the Dead Sea Scrolls. These displays provide context for the Scrolls and insight into the lives of their creators.
  • Facsimiles and Interpretations: The Shrine includes facsimiles of the Scrolls and other interpretive materials, making the content accessible to visitors who may be unable to read the ancient texts.

Accessibility and Visitor Experience

  • Atmospheric Setting: The design of the exhibit space, combined with the lighting and layout, creates an immersive atmosphere that enhances the visitor’s experience and underscores the significance of the Scrolls.

Importance to Cultural and Historical Understanding

The Shrine of the Book is more than just a museum exhibit; it’s a cultural and historical landmark. It provides an invaluable link to the ancient past and offers a unique perspective on the Jewish people’s religious, historical, and linguistic development. For scholars, historians, and the general public, the Shrine of the Book is a window into a pivotal period of human history and a cornerstone of Jewish heritage.

Jewish Art & Life Wing

Discover the heart of Jewish tradition in the Jewish Art & Life Wing. Here, synagogues from Italy, India, Suriname, and Germany, each with unique architectural splendor, are meticulously reconstructed. The painted Deller family sukkah is a poignant reminder of Jewish resilience.

The Jewish Art & Life Wing of the Israel Museum in Jerusalem offers a fascinating glimpse into Jewish communities’ rich cultural and religious heritage worldwide. This wing is dedicated to showcasing the diverse expressions of Jewish life, ritual, and art across various geographies and historical periods. Here are more details about what this wing encompasses:

Synagogue Reconstructions

  • Global Synagogues: One of the most striking features of the Jewish Art & Life Wing is the display of synagogues that have been reconstructed within the museum. These include the 18th-century Vittorio Veneto Synagogue from Italy and others from Cochin, India; Paramaribo, Suriname; and Horb am Main, Germany. Each synagogue faithfully represents its original, complete with furnishings and decorations. It provides a unique insight into Jewish communities’ architectural and artistic styles in different parts of the world.
  • Authenticity and Historical Value: The synagogues are not mere replicas but are constructed using original materials and elements from the actual buildings, offering an authentic experience of these historic places of worship.

Cultural Exhibits

  • Deller Family Sukkah: A notable exhibit is the 19th-century painted sukkah from the Deller family, which was smuggled from Germany to Jerusalem in 1935. The sukkah, a temporary structure built during the Jewish festival of Sukkot, is adorned with intricate paintings and decorations, reflecting the artistic and religious expressions of its time.
  • Jewish Costume and Jewelry: The wing also features exhibitions on traditional Jewish costume and jewelry, showcasing the diversity and richness of Jewish cultural expression across different communities. These exhibits provide a glimpse into the daily life, customs, and aesthetic sensibilities of Jews from various regions.

Educational and Interactive Aspects

  • Cultural and Ritual Contexts: The exhibits are presented with detailed explanations and context, helping visitors understand the cultural and religious significance of the displayed items. This educational aspect is precious for those unfamiliar with Jewish customs and traditions.
  • Interactive Displays: Some exhibits include interactive elements, allowing visitors to engage more deeply with the Jewish people’s material culture and artistic heritage.

Importance of the Wing

  • Cultural Preservation: The Jewish Art & Life Wing plays a crucial role in preserving and showcasing the cultural heritage of Jewish communities worldwide. It serves as a repository of religious artifacts, art, and architecture, highlighting the diversity within Jewish culture.
  • Educational Resource: For educators, students, and the general public, this wing is an invaluable resource for learning about Jewish history, culture, and artistic expression. It offers a comprehensive Jewish experience across different times and places.
  • Promoting Understanding and Dialogue: The wing fosters a deeper understanding of Jewish identity and heritage by presenting the rich tapestry of Jewish life and art. It also encourages intercultural dialogue and appreciation of diversity within the Jewish tradition and beyond.

The Jewish Art & Life Wing at the Israel Museum is a vibrant and educational space celebrating Jewish communities’ diversity, history, and cultural richness. It provides a unique opportunity to explore the many facets of Jewish art and life from around the globe, making it a must-visit for those interested in cultural history and religious art.

Fine Arts Wing

Art enthusiasts should be aware of the Fine Arts Wing, where works by Renoir, Pissarro, Degas, and Monet are displayed alongside modern art from Schiele, Rothko, and Pollock. Israeli art is celebrated through the creations of Rubin and Zaritsky.

The Fine Arts Wing of the Israel Museum in Jerusalem celebrates artistic creativity across time and cultures. This wing is dedicated to presenting a wide array of art forms, from classical to contemporary, and includes works from renowned international and Israeli artists. Here’s a closer look at what the Fine Arts Wing has to offer:

Collections and Exhibits

  • Impressionist and Post-Impressionist Gallery: This gallery is a wing highlight, featuring an impressive collection of works by masters such as Renoir, Pissarro, Degas, Sisley, Monet, and Cézanne. These paintings represent a pivotal moment in the history of art, where traditional techniques gave way to new approaches to color, light, and subject matter.
  • Modern Art Gallery: Here, visitors can explore works by influential 20th-century artists like Egon Schiele, Mark Rothko, Robert Motherwell, Jackson Pollock, Amedeo Modigliani, and Francis Bacon. The gallery showcases various modern art movements and styles, from expressionism to abstract art.
  • Israeli Art Pavilion: A significant part of the Fine Arts Wing is dedicated to Israeli art, highlighting Israel’s rich and diverse artistic landscape. The pavilion features prominent Israeli artists such as Reuven Rubin and Yosef Zaritsky, showcasing the unique perspectives and cultural narratives that characterize Israeli art

Special Exhibitions and Programs

  • Rotating Exhibitions: The Fine Arts Wing hosts special exhibitions, often focusing on specific themes, periods, or artists. These exhibitions provide a dynamic and ever-changing experience for visitors.
  • Educational Programs: The museum offers a range of educational programs and guided tours catering to different age groups and interests. These programs are designed to enhance understanding and appreciation of the displayed artworks.

Architectural and Design Features

  • Gallery Layout: The galleries are designed to provide an immersive experience. The layout guides visitors through different art movements and styles in a way that is both educational and aesthetically pleasing.
  • Lighting and Display: Special attention is given to the lighting and display of artworks, ensuring that each piece is shown to its best advantage and that the nuances of each work are visible.

Importance of the Wing

  • Cultural Representation: The Fine Arts Wing is a testament to the cultural richness and diversity of the world’s artistic heritage. It plays a crucial role in representing the artistic achievements of different cultures and periods.
  • Promotion of Artistic Dialogue: The wing fosters a dialogue between past and present, traditional and modern, by bringing together works from different eras and regions. It provides a space for visitors to engage with and reflect on the evolving nature of artistic expression.
  • Preservation and Accessibility: The wing serves as a custodian of priceless artworks, ensuring their preservation for future generations. It also makes these works accessible to a broad audience, promoting appreciation and understanding of the arts.

In summary, the Fine Arts Wing at the Israel Museum offers a rich and varied experience, showcasing the beauty and complexity of art from different eras and parts of the world. It is an essential destination for art lovers and those interested in cultural history, providing insights into the creative human spirit and its expression through art.

Art Garden

Stroll through the Art Garden, designed by Isamu Noguchi. This space unites sculptures from various eras, including those by Moore, Kapoor, and Picasso, in a harmonious landscape.

The Art Garden at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem is a distinctive fusion of art, nature, and architecture. Designed by the celebrated Japanese-American artist and landscape architect Isamu Noguchi, the garden seamlessly integrates the natural landscape with modern sculpture. Here’s a detailed overview of what the Art Garden offers:

Design and Layout

  • Isamu Noguchi’s Vision: Noguchi’s design for the Art Garden is a masterful blend of natural topography with carefully planned landscaping. The garden’s layout respects the contours of the land, incorporating local Jerusalem stone, native plants, and water features.
  • Integration of Sculptures: The Art Garden is not just a backdrop for the sculptures but an integral part of their presentation. The statues are strategically placed to interact with the environment, creating a dialogue between art and nature.

Sculpture Collection

  • Diverse Range of Artists: The garden showcases works by renowned 19th-, 20th-, and 21st-century artists. It includes sculptures by Henri Moore, Anish Kapoor, Sol LeWitt, Claes Oldenburg, Richard Serra, Auguste Rodin, and Pablo Picasso.
  • Variety of Styles and Materials: The collection represents various styles and materials, ranging from modern abstract forms to more traditional sculptures. This diversity allows visitors to experience the evolution of sculptural art and its multiple expressions.

Visitor Experience

  • Interactive Art Experience: Unlike traditional galleries, the Art Garden encourages an interactive experience. Visitors can walk around and through many sculptures, experiencing them from multiple perspectives and in different light conditions.
  • Peaceful and Reflective Space: The garden provides a serene and contemplative environment. Art, nature, and the viewer can interact in a tranquil setting, allowing for reflection and a deeper appreciation of the artwork.

Educational and Cultural Importance

  • Art Education: The Art Garden is an educational resource offering guided tours and educational programs. These initiatives help visitors understand the sculptures’ and their creators’ historical and cultural context.
  • Cultural Events and Exhibitions: The garden often hosts cultural and temporary exhibitions, further enriching its offerings and providing visitors with new and engaging experiences.

Accessibility and Conservation

  • Accessible to All Visitors: The garden is designed to be accessible to a wide range of visitors, including those with limited mobility. This accessibility ensures that everyone can enjoy the beauty and tranquility of the space.
  • Preservation of Art and Nature: The maintenance of the Art Garden is crucial for preserving the natural elements and the sculptures. Regular conservation efforts ensure that the artworks and the garden remain pristine.

In summary, the Art Garden at the Israel Museum is a unique space where art and nature coexist harmoniously. It offers a distinctive experience, allowing visitors to engage with remarkable sculptures in a natural setting that enhances their beauty and significance. The garden is a place of aesthetic enjoyment and a center for education and cultural activities, making it a vital part of the Israel Museum’s offerings.

Model of Jerusalem in the Second Temple Period

The Model of Jerusalem is a must-see, depicting the city as it might have appeared in 66 CE. This intricate model highlights the Second Jewish Temple, offering a window into ancient Jerusalem’s grandeur.

The Model of Jerusalem in the Second Temple Period is a remarkable and detailed scale model, representing the city of Jerusalem as it would have appeared in 66 CE, just before the Roman destruction in 70 CE. This model is a significant feature of the Israel Museum, providing visitors with a tangible and immersive insight into ancient Jerusalem. Here are more details about this fascinating exhibit:

Scale and Design

  • Size and Scale: The model is built at a scale of 1:50, covering nearly one acre. This large scale allows for extraordinary detail, making it easier for visitors to visualize the city’s layout and architecture during the Second Temple period.
  • Based on Historical Research: The model was designed based on extensive historical and archaeological research. It incorporates data from ancient texts, including the works of Josephus and the Mishnah, and archaeological findings from Jerusalem and surrounding areas.

Key Features of the Model

  • The Second Temple: The centerpiece of the model is the Second Temple, which was expanded and renovated by Herod the Great. The Temple’s grandeur is meticulously replicated, highlighting its significance in Jewish religious and cultural life.
  • Surrounding Structures and Areas: The model includes representations of residential areas, streets, palaces, and public buildings. Notable structures include the Pool of Siloam, the Fortress Antonia, the Royal Stoa, and Herod’s Palace.
  • Topography and Landscape: The model also accurately represents the topography of Jerusalem during that period, including valleys, hills, and other natural features, giving viewers a sense of the city’s geographic context.

Educational and Cultural Significance

  • Understanding Historical Jerusalem: The model is an educational tool, helping visitors understand Jerusalem’s urban layout and architectural style during one of its most significant historical periods.

Visitor Experience

  • Guided Tours and Interpretive Signs: The museum offers guided tours of the model, providing in-depth explanations and historical context. Interpretive signs and audio guides are also available for self-guided tours.
  • Visual Impact: The sheer size and detail of the model make it a visually striking exhibit, appealing to a wide range of visitors, including history enthusiasts, scholars, students, and families.

Maintenance and Preservation

  • Conservation Efforts: Given its outdoor location and the materials used, the model requires ongoing maintenance and conservation to preserve its detail and accuracy.


  • Accessible Location: The model is situated near the museum entrance, making it easily accessible for visitors. It’s also visible from various points, allowing for different perspectives.

In summary, the Model of Jerusalem in the Second Temple Period at the Israel Museum is not just a display; it’s a bridge to the past, offering a vivid and educational glimpse into the ancient city of Jerusalem. It’s an invaluable resource for understanding the historical and cultural context of the period, making it a must-see for anyone interested in the history of Jerusalem and the Jewish people.

Tips for Visiting

  • Utilize the complimentary audio guide for a more insightful experience.
  • The Modern restaurant and on-site cafes provide delightful dining options.
  • Arrive early to avoid crowds and maximize your visit.
  • Check for changing exhibitions, especially if traveling with children.
  • A visit to the nearby Bible Lands Museum can complement your tour.

Explore for yourself!

A visit to the Israel Museum is not just an excursion into the past; it’s an immersive experience connecting you with various civilizations’ history, art, and soul.

From the ancient Dead Sea Scrolls to the vibrant displays of Jewish life and culture, every corner of the museum is a testament to the rich tapestry of human history.

Whether you spend a few hours or an entire day, the Israel Museum offers an unforgettable journey, leaving you with a deeper appreciation of our shared heritage and the unending quest for knowledge and beauty.

Remember to check the changing exhibitions and plan your visit early to avoid the crowds, ensuring a tranquil and enriching experience at this jewel in Jerusalem’s crown.

Israel Travel Advisory Service offers a wide range of options for those looking to further explore the beauty and heritage of this ancient land. Whether you’re interested in comprehensive Israel tours, immersive Israel Jewish tours, family-friendly Israel family tours, personalized custom Israel tours, or focused Israel day tours, ITAS Tours provides expertly guided experiences that cater to various interests and preferences.

With their in-depth knowledge and personalized approach, ITAS Tours ensures that your exploration of Israel is memorable and deeply meaningful, connecting you to the rich tapestry of history, faith, and culture that Israel offers.



Categories: Israel Tour

10 Kid-Friendly Spots to Visit in Israel

Family-Friendly Destinations in Israel

Embarking on an international journey with little ones can be thrilling. The challenge, however, lies in identifying entertaining and educational spots for children.

Rich in history and culture, Israel presents a versatile vacation experience suitable for family members of all ages. Considering its compact size, it is feasible to explore the most iconic sites in a single trip. Here’s a list of destinations in Israel tailored for families with young children.

Nimrod’s Fortress

A medieval marvel, this castle boasts tunnels, hidden corridors, and winding staircases – a treat for adventurous kids. Moreover, the breathtaking panoramas of the Golan Heights cater to those who appreciate scenic beauty. The Israel Nature and Parks Authority manages it as a journey through time.

Nimrod’s Fortress, or Qal’at Namrud in Arabic, is one of the most impressive and well-preserved medieval fortresses in Israel, perched atop a ridge in the northern Golan Heights. Here are some key details about it:

Ø Historical Context: It was constructed in the 13th century during the Crusades. Its primary purpose was to defend against the Crusader invasions and monitor the region, given its strategic location on the route to Damascus.

Ø Architectural Features: The fortress is expansive and contains several notable architectural elements. These include towers, massive stone walls, archer slits, a secret passageway, and a beautiful, vaulted central hall. There are also inscriptions in Arabic from the time of its construction.

Ø Views: From the fortress, one can enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding Golan Heights, Mount Hermon, and even parts of Lebanon on a clear day.


Should your family enjoy tales from PJ Library, like Chicken Man or Stork’s Landing, consider adding a kibbutz visit to your itinerary. Kibbutzim, the plural of kibbutz, are communal farming communities. Many of them welcome visitors, even offering overnight stays. Tourist Israel can guide you to visitor-friendly kibbutzim.

A kibbutz is a unique socio-economic experiment rooted in early 20th-century Jewish immigration to then-Palestine. Here’s a deeper dive into the concept of the kibbutz:

Ø Origins and Ideology: The kibbutz movement began in the early 1900s, spearheaded by Eastern European Jewish immigrants who aimed to combine socialism with Zionism. The idea was to create self-reliant, communal agricultural settlements where everything was shared, and individualism was secondary to the collective good.

Ø Cultural Impact: The kibbutz movement had a significant cultural and political impact on Israeli society. Many Israeli leaders, including former presidents and prime ministers, spent their formative years in kibbutzim.

The Dead Sea

Imagine floating effortlessly and playing with therapeutic mud! This is the charm of the Dead Sea for both children and adults. As one of the saltiest bodies of water, it provides a unique, buoyant experience. Kids especially find the idea of slathering mud amusing.

The Dead Sea is one of the world’s most intriguing natural wonders. Here’s a deeper look into its characteristics, history, and significance:

Unique Properties:

Ø Salinity: With a salinity of over 30%, it is one of the world’s saltiest bodies of water. This high salinity prevents most aquatic organisms from living in its waters, hence the name.

Ø Buoyancy: Because of the high salt content, people can easily float on the surface of the Dead Sea.

Ø Elevation: It’s located at the lowest point on the Earth’s surface, approximately 430 meters (1,411 feet) below sea level.

Historical and Cultural Significance:

Ø The Dead Sea Scrolls, a collection of Jewish texts found in the 1940s and 50s in the nearby Qumran Caves, are among the most significant archaeological discoveries of the 20th century.

The Dead Sea remains an iconic landmark, drawing interest for its unique natural features and historical, cultural, and economic significance. However, its challenges highlight the urgent need for sustainable solutions to preserve this natural wonder for future generations.


Aqua Kef in Lower Galilee

Aqua Kef is like an enormous inflatable wonderland positioned along the Sea of Galilee. Comprising floating trampolines, slides, and climbing zones, it’s an ideal spot to refresh during summer.

Aqua Kef is a popular water park near the Sea of Galilee (also known as Lake Kinneret) in the Lower Galilee region of Israel. Here’s what you might want to know about Aqua Kef:

Nature of the Park: Aqua Kef differs from a typical water park with permanent slides and pools. Instead, it boasts a vast collection of inflatable attractions that float on the water.


Ø Inflatable Obstacles: The park contains various inflatable obstacles, including trampolines, slides, climbing walls, and platforms.

Ø Activities: It offers a range of water-based activities suitable for children and adults. The attractions challenge visitors to jump, slide, climb, and balance, providing fun and physical exercise.

Ø Safety: Safety measures are in place, with life jackets mandatory for visitors. Additionally, lifeguards are present to monitor and ensure the safety of all participants.

Location: On the shores of the Sea of Galilee, Aqua Kef offers visitors the bonus of a picturesque setting. The Sea of Galilee is Israel’s largest freshwater lake and holds significant religious and historical importance.

Seasonal Operation: Aqua Kef is typically a seasonal attraction, operating mainly during the warmer months. It’s advisable to check their operating hours and dates before planning a visit, as these can vary based on the season and weather conditions.

Visiting Experience:

Ø Perfect for Hot Days: Given Israel’s warm summer climate, Aqua Kef is an ideal spot for families and groups to cool off.

Ø Duration: Visitors usually spend a few hours at the park, enjoying the various inflatable challenges and relaxing by the water.

Nearby Attractions: The Lower Galilee region is rich in history, nature, and culture. After visiting Aqua Kef, tourists often explore other nearby attractions, such as the ancient city of Tiberias, natural hot springs, and hiking trails.

Facilities: The park may offer basic facilities like changing rooms, lockers, and a refreshments area. However, it’s advisable to check in advance if any upgrades or additional amenities have been added since 2021.

Aqua Kef in Lower Galilee is a unique water attraction that combines the fun of a water park with the natural beauty of the Sea of Galilee. It’s an excellent place for families and groups looking for an active and refreshing day in the region. Always check the latest reviews or the park’s official website for the most up-to-date information before planning a visit.

Western Wall Tunnels

While the Western Wall is iconic, its underground tunnels offer a different dimension. Here, visitors can walk through the original streets of ancient Jerusalem, uncovering stone archways and old water channels.

The Western Wall Tunnels are an intricate labyrinth situated alongside the hidden continuation of the Western Wall. They offer an intimate connection to the rich history of Jerusalem and provide deeper insight into the archaeological and historical significance of the Western Wall itself. Here are some key points about the Western Wall Tunnels:

Historical Background:

Ø The Western Wall, often called the Wailing Wall or Kotel in Hebrew, is among the most sacred Jewish sites. It’s a remnant of the ancient wall that once surrounded the Second Temple’s courtyard in Jerusalem.

Ø Due to various constructions and natural sedimentation, most of the Western Wall became obscured over time. The visible section of the Western Wall is just a tiny fraction of its entire length.

Discovery and Exploration:

Ø The tunnels were developed as archaeologists and researchers wanted to expose the entire length of the Western Wall.

Ø The excavation projects, which began after the Six-Day War in 1967 and continued for several decades, have revealed a significant portion of the wall that had been hidden for centuries.

Features of the Tunnels:

Ø Length: The tunnels allow visitors to explore an additional 488 meters of the wall, which remains concealed beneath the Old City.

Ø Archaeological Finds: The tunnels house numerous archaeological discoveries, including remnants of ancient streets, archways, and water pits. Among the significant finds is the large stone in the Western Wall, weighing over 500 tons, which baffles researchers regarding its placement during ancient times.

Ø Warren’s Gate: This is one of the ancient gates leading to the Temple Mount, now an underground prayer area.

Ø Struthion Pool: An ancient reservoir once watering the Temple Mount area.

Ø Interactive Models and Displays: These offer insights into ancient history, architecture, and daily life.

Tourist Experience:

Ø Guided Tours: To understand the historical and archaeological significance of the sites within the tunnels, guided tours are highly recommended. These tours provide context and share fascinating stories about the tunnels’ discoveries.

Ø Cooler Climate: Given that the underground tunnels can be cooler than street level, providing a respite from Jerusalem’s hot summer days.

The Western Wall Tunnels offer a unique journey through time, allowing visitors to walk alongside history and gain a deeper appreciation for Jerusalem’s profound cultural, and historical significance. They are a testament to the city’s layered past and the complex coexistence of narratives and memories it houses.

Neot Kedumim Park

A stone’s throw from Ben Gurion Airport, this reserve transforms Biblical stories into tangible experiences. Encompassing extensive gardens filled with plants from historic Jewish scriptures, activities include sheep herding, tree planting, and ancient culinary demonstrations.

Neot Kedumim, also known as Neot Kedumim Biblical Landscape Reserve, is a unique destination in Israel that brings biblical narratives to life through its natural surroundings. Here’s what you might want to know:


Ø Neot Kedumim is not just a garden or park. It’s a landscape reserve that brings to life the physical setting of the Bible. It aims to reconstruct and restore the landscapes, plants, trees, and water sources that played pivotal roles in the biblical stories.

Ø The name “Neot Kedumim” translates to “pleasant pastures” or “primeval oases,” which reflects its intention to revive the landscapes described in ancient texts.


Ø Themed Sections: The park is divided into sections, each corresponding to biblical passages or themes. For example, areas are dedicated to the Twelve Tribes of Israel, the Song of Songs, and more.

Ø Educational Programs: Neot Kedumim offers interactive tours and workshops that delve into biblical, agricultural, and historical themes. Activities include ancient practices like olive oil pressing, sheep herding, and baking bread.

Cultural and Educational Significance:

Ø The reserve helps visitors connect with the Bible on a tangible level, bridging the gap between textual study and the physical world.

Ø It has become a resource for educators, students, and researchers interested in biblical botany, history, and archaeology.

Neot Kedumim Park offers a blend of nature, history, and culture. It provides an immersive experience of the biblical landscapes, allowing visitors to see, touch, and even smell the world of ancient Israel. It’s an enriching destination for those interested in biblical studies, nature, or seeking a tranquil escape in Israel.

Jerusalem Biblical Zoo

Otherwise known as the “Tisch Family Zoological Gardens,” it uniquely exhibits animals mentioned in the Bible. It’s a perfect blend of religious teachings and lessons on animal compassion due to its emphasis on wildlife conservation.

The Tisch Family Zoological Gardens, commonly known as the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo, is a unique zoo in Jerusalem. It’s renowned for its focus on species mentioned in the Bible and its conservation efforts. Here are some key points about the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo:


Ø Location: The zoo is in the Malha neighborhood of Jerusalem, covering over 62 acres of land.

Ø Establishment: Originally founded in 1940, the zoo moved to its current location in Malha in 1993.

Concept and Collection:

Ø Biblical Animals: The primary theme of the zoo is to display wildlife mentioned in the Hebrew Bible. This includes Nubian ibex, Syrian brown bear, Persian fallow deer, and more.

Ø Conservation: Beyond its biblical theme, the zoo emphasizes wildlife conservation, particularly for endangered species. It has been involved in breeding programs for various animals.

Ø Modern Collection: While it began focusing on biblical animals, the zoo has expanded its collection to include species worldwide, making it comparable to other zoological gardens.

Educational and Cultural Significance:

Ø Biblical References: Plaques accompany the animals, providing relevant biblical verses and explanations, thus offering an educational experience for visitors.

Ø Interactive Exhibits: The zoo features various interactive exhibits and educational programs for different age groups.


Ø Train Rides: A small train offers rides around the zoo, allowing visitors to cover distances comfortably.

Ø Play Areas: There are play areas for children, making it a family-friendly destination.

Ø Cafes and Restaurants: The zoo has dining areas for visitors.

Ø Aquarium: The zoo also boasts an impressive aquarium focusing on marine life from the Mediterranean and Red seas.

Visitor Experience:

Ø With its beautiful landscaping and diverse habitats replicating the animals’ natural environments, the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo offers a serene and immersive experience. The grounds include various water features, including ponds and waterfalls, contributing to the tranquil ambiance.

The Jerusalem Biblical Zoo is more than just a recreational space. It intertwines history, religion, education, and conservation, making it a significant cultural and ecological landmark in Jerusalem. Visitors can expect both an enriching and entertaining experience, diving deep into the Bible’s natural world while also exploring global wildlife’s wonders.

Bloomfield Science Museum

Situated in Jerusalem, this museum is designed to keep children’s curiosity in mind. Diverse exhibits, ranging from water mechanics and nuclear studies to Mars expeditions, ensure an engaging visit.

The Bloomfield Science Museum is an interactive institution in Jerusalem that aims to educate visitors about the various facets of science and technology. Here’s a detailed overview:


Ø Location: The museum is near the Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s Givat Ram campus, making it easily accessible.

Ø Foundation: The Bloomfield Science Museum was established in 1992 to promote scientific literacy and interest in the field.

Mission and Concept:

Ø Hands-on Learning: One of the museum’s foundational philosophies is promoting experiential learning. Most exhibits are interactive, allowing visitors to learn through doing rather than just observing.

Ø Audience: The museum caters to visitors of all ages, focusing on children, families, and school groups. The exhibits and activities are designed to be engaging for a wide age range.


Ø Diverse Themes: The museum covers various scientific disciplines, including physics, biology, mathematics, chemistry, and technology.

Ø Permanent and Temporary Exhibits: While the museum boasts an impressive array of permanent installations, it regularly hosts temporary exhibitions on contemporary scientific issues and innovations. This ensures that return visitors always have something new to explore.

Ø Interactive Installations: Examples include a bicycle ride on a wire high above the ground (demonstrating physics principles) and hands-on workshops where visitors can build and experiment.

Educational Programs:

Ø Workshops: The museum hosts workshops that dive deeper into specific topics, allowing participants a hands-on experience.

Ø Events: Special events, such as science festivals, robotics competitions, and themed days (like “Space Day”), offer unique learning opportunities.

Facilities and Amenities:

Ø Auditorium: The museum has an auditorium with lectures, films, and presentations.

Ø Museum Shop: Visitors can purchase scientific toys, kits, and books to continue their exploration at home.

Ø Cafeteria: Visitors can take a break and grab a bite to eat.


Ø Institutions like the Bloomfield Science Museum play a crucial role in fostering a scientifically curious and literate public in a world increasingly dominated by technology and scientific advancements. By making science accessible and fun, the museum inspires future generations of scientists, engineers, and informed citizens.

The Bloomfield Science Museum in Jerusalem is more than just a museum; it’s an experience. It offers an engaging, hands-on approach to science education, making it a must-visit for families, students, and anyone curious about the wonders of science.

Atzmaut Square

On your journey north from Tel Aviv, pause at Atzmaut Square in Netanya. Alongside appealing shops and eateries for adults, children can revel in the enchanting fountain that illuminates after sunset.

Atzmaut Square (Independence Square) is primarily associated with Netanya in Israel. It’s a popular location for locals and tourists, acting as the city’s main square and a central point for various activities. Here’s an overview:


Ø Location: Atzmaut Square is in the heart of Netanya, close to the Mediterranean Sea. It is a focal point for visitors and is easily accessible from various parts of the city.

Ø Name Origin: “Atzmaut” translates to “Independence” in Hebrew, reflecting Israel’s declaration of independence in 1948.


Ø Fountain: One of the most noticeable features is the interactive water fountain, which is especially popular among children. At night, it’s often illuminated, creating a delightful spectacle.

Ø Seating Areas: There are numerous benches and sitting areas where visitors can relax, chat, or enjoy the surroundings.

Ø Art Installations: The square has featured various sculptures and artwork, adding a touch of culture to the space.


Ø Shopping: Surrounding Atzmaut Square, visitors can find numerous shops and boutiques catering to various tastes and preferences.

Ø Dining: Numerous restaurants, cafes, and eateries surround the square, offering a variety of culinary delights, from traditional Israeli food to international cuisine.

Ø Entertainment: The square often hosts events, performances, and festivities, especially during national holidays and celebrations.

Nearby Attractions:

Ø Beach Proximity: The square is a short walk from some of Netanya’s beautiful beaches, making it a popular spot for those coming from or going to the Mediterranean coastline.

Ø Promenade: The Netanya promenade, which offers stunning views of the sea and the cliffs, is also easily accessible from Atzmaut Square.


Ø Historical Role: Over the years, Atzmaut Square has witnessed numerous public gatherings, events, and celebrations, making it a significant spot in Netanya’s urban and cultural fabric.

Ø Urban Renewal: The square has seen renovations and updates over the years, reflecting the city’s commitment to providing residents and tourists with a modern, welcoming space.

Visitor Experience:

Ø Whether you’re looking for a place to relax after a day at the beach, indulge in some shopping and dining, or immerse yourself in local events and celebrations, Atzmaut Square offers something for everyone.

Atzmaut Square in Netanya is a testament to the city’s vibrant atmosphere and its commitment to preserving public spaces for the enjoyment of residents and visitors. If you’re in Netanya, it’s a spot worth checking out.

Jaffa Slope Park

Jaffa Slope Park in Tel Aviv is a serene choice for those looking for a tranquil seaside stroll or a kite-flying session. Pack a meal, pick a picnic spot among the many available, and relish the Mediterranean vibes.

Also known as “Gan HaPisga” or “Peak Park,” it is situated between the neighborhoods of Jaffa and Ajami. This park provides a green respite amidst the urban landscape and offers magnificent views of the Mediterranean Sea. Here’s a deeper look into the park:


Ø Size and Location: Jaffa Slope Park spans about 30 acres, making it one of the significant green spaces in Tel Aviv.

Ø Vantage Point: Located on a slope leading to the old city of Jaffa, the park offers a panoramic view of the coastline, especially during sunset.


Ø Landscape: The park’s landscaping boasts a variety of local plants and trees. The gradual slope creates different levels within the park, offering diverse views and experiences.

Ø Walking Paths: Crisscrossing the park are numerous walking and cycling paths perfect for strolls or more energetic activities.

Ø Recreational Spaces: Jaffa Slope Park has playgrounds and open areas suitable for picnics and gatherings.


Ø Relaxation: Many visitors come to the park to relax and soak in the views, especially during the cooler hours of the day.

Ø Sports: The open spaces within the park provide opportunities for various recreational activities, including ball games.

Ø Kite Flying: Due to its elevated position and open space, the park is popular for kite flying, especially on weekends.

Ø Cultural Events: Occasionally, the park serves as a venue for cultural events, performances, and festivals.

Visitor Information:

Ø Accessibility: The park is easily accessible via public transportation and has nearby parking facilities for those coming by car.

Ø Facilities: Jaffa Slope Park is equipped with benches, restrooms, and shaded areas for the convenience of visitors.

Jaffa Slope Park in Tel Aviv provides relaxation, recreation, and stunning views. Its strategic location near Jaffa makes it an ideal spot to enjoy modern urban greenery and ancient history in one visit. Whether you’re a local or a tourist, visiting this park offers a refreshing break from the city’s hustle and bustle.

Plan Your Next Trip with ITAS Tours

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Specializing in Israel vacation tours, we offer packages ranging from Israel family tours to individual Israel day tours.

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With the expertise of Israel travel Advisory Service, your venture into Israel tours is bound to be seamless and memorable. Trust in ITAS Tours to make your Israeli adventure one for the books!



Categories: Israel Tour

The Culinary Delights of Israel: Exploring Jewish Cuisine on Your Tour

A Culinary Journey through Israel: Where Tradition Meets Taste

Stepping into Israel, you’re not just walking on ancient grounds; you’re embarking on a gastronomic adventure that seamlessly blends millennia of history with vibrant modernity. From the winding alleys of Jerusalem’s Old City to the bustling streets of Tel Aviv, Israel promises an array of culinary delights that awaken the senses and soul. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or a first-time visitor, this guide will lead you to the heartbeats of Israel’s culinary scene.

Hummus & Pita:

Dive deep into the creamy world of hummus at Hummus Ben Sira in Jerusalem. For those roaming the streets of Tel Aviv, Abu Hassan (Ali Caravan) promises a mouthful of this chickpea delight, perfectly paired with oven-fresh pita.

Hummus Ben Sira:

Is a popular hummus joint in Jerusalem. It’s known for its delicious and creamy hummus dishes.

Menu: Apart from the classic hummus, Hummus Ben Sira might offer variations topped with ingredients like mushrooms, fava beans, or tahini. They also usually serve other Middle Eastern staples, such as falafel, salads, and pitas.

Abu Hassan (Ali Caravan):

Is one of Israel’s most iconic and revered hummus places.

Signature Dish: While serving various dishes, their signature is creamy, velvety hummus. You can have it with toppings like masabacha (whole chickpeas), ful (fava beans), or a combination.


Breakfast lovers can bask in the vibrant flavours of Shakshuka at Dr. Shakshuka in Jaffa or explore the modern renditions at Shakshukia in Tel Aviv.

Dr. Shakshuka:

Is a renowned eatery in Israel, particularly famous for its signature dish, shakshuka.

Signature Dish: While shakshuka, a dish of eggs poached in a spicy tomato and pepper sauce, is the star here, Dr. Shakshuka’s menu boasts other North African and traditional Israeli dishes.

Other Offerings: Beyond the classic shakshuka, they serve variations with different ingredients like merguez sausages or shawarma. They also offer other dishes such as couscous, stews, and a variety of grilled meats.


Is a modern eatery in Tel Aviv that has gained popularity for its dedication to the beloved dish, shakshuka.

Variety: While the classic tomato and pepper-based shakshuka is a staple, Shakshukia prides itself on offering a plethora of variations. From shakshuka with different meats to those with unique spice blends and ingredients, there’s something for every palate.

Other Offerings: While shakshuka is the star, Shakshukia might offer a range of accompaniments and beverages to round out the meal.


Experience the crunch of authentic falafel at Falafel Razon in Jerusalem. In Tel Aviv, Falafel Hakosem not only tempts with its falafel but also introduces you to the layered wonders of Sabich.

Falafel Hakosem:

It’s one of Tel Aviv’s gems when it comes to falafel and other Israeli street food delights.

Menu: While falafel is the star of the show, their menu is vast and varied. They offer other favourites like shawarma, sabich (an Iraqi-Jewish sandwich with fried eggplant, hard-boiled eggs, and other accompaniments), and shakshuka. Their falafel is known for its crispy exterior and flavorful, moist interior.


The flaky perfection of burekas awaits at Burekas Penso in the heart of Jerusalem’s Mahane Yehuda Market.

Burekas Penso:

Is a well-known spot in Jerusalem, especially famed for its traditional and deliciously flaky burekas.

Specialty: As the name suggests, the shop’s specialty is burekas – pastries made from thin layers of dough filled with various fillings like cheese, potato, or mushrooms. They’re known for their crisp exterior and rich, savoury fillings.

Handmade Touch: One of the standout aspects of Burekas Penso is that the pastries are handmade. This traditional approach gives them a unique taste and texture that’s hard to replicate.

Matzah Ball Soup:

A bowl of tradition is served at Rimon Café Bistro in Jerusalem, where the Matzah Ball Soup mirrors Jewish culinary stories.

Rimon Café Bistro:

Is a notable establishment in Jerusalem, particularly known for its kosher dining options and its location within the city’s vibrant Ben Yehuda Street area.

Kosher Dining: Rimon Café Bistro is certified kosher, making it a popular choice for observant Jewish locals and tourists. This means they adhere to a set of dietary laws, ensuring the food preparation and ingredients meet religious standards.

Menu: The bistro offers a varied menu, blending traditional Israeli dishes with international flavours. You can find classic offerings like falafel, shakshuka, and salads, alongside pasta, fish dishes, and more.

Rimon’s Legacy: Apart from the bistro, the Rimon name is also associated with Rimon Restaurant, which is a meat-focused establishment. The two eateries complement each other by catering to different culinary preferences within the kosher framework.

Desserts and Beverages: Beyond main dishes, Rimon Café Bistro boasts a selection of desserts and beverages. Their pastries and cakes, paired with a fresh cup of coffee, are a favourite among many visitors.


The destination is Jafar Sweets in Jerusalem’s Old City for those with a sweet tooth.

Dive into layers of this Middle Eastern dessert and let its sweetness linger.

Jafar Sweets:

Is a beloved establishment in the Old City of Jerusalem, particularly renowned for its traditional Middle Eastern pastries.

Specialty: The shop is particularly famed for its knafeh (or kunafa), a Middle Eastern dessert made from thin noodle-like pastry or fine semolina dough, soaked in sweet, sugar-based syrup and typically layered with cheese or other fillings. Jafar’s version is often lauded for its perfect balance of sweetness, crispiness, and creaminess.

Variety: Beyond knafeh, Jafar Sweets offers an array of other traditional pastries, like baklava, ma’amoul (date-filled cookies), and various other syrup-soaked delights.

Authenticity: What sets Jafar Sweets apart is its commitment to authenticity. They adhere to time-tested recipes, ensuring visitors get a genuine taste of Middle Eastern sweets.


For the casual coffee lover, Café Yehoshua in Tel Aviv and Kadosh in Jerusalem provide the perfect backdrop to relax, sip, and people-watch. However, if you’re yearning for a comprehensive dining affair, make a reservation at Shila – Sharon Cohen’s Kitchen & Bar in Tel Aviv or savour the innovative dishes at Machneyuda in Jerusalem.

Café Yehoshua:

Is a trendy spot, particularly popular among the residents of Tel Aviv.

Menu: Café Yehoshua offers a diverse menu catering to various tastes. From breakfast dishes, sandwiches, and salads to heartier main courses and desserts, the café serves a mix of international and local Israeli flavours.

Specialty Coffees and Beverages: One of the highlights of Café Yehoshua is its range of specialty coffees. Whether you’re a fan of a classic cappuccino, a cold brew, or more adventurous coffee concoctions, the café likely has something to satiate your caffeine cravings. Additionally, they often serve freshly squeezed juices and a variety of teas.


Is one of Jerusalem’s celebrated cafés, renowned for its pastries, rich history, and charming ambiance.

Specialties: Kadosh is renowned for its pastries. Whether it’s croissants, tarts, or the iconic Jerusalem cheesecake, every item on the menu is meticulously crafted. They also serve a variety of sandwiches, quiches, and other savoury delights.

Kosher: Like many establishments in Jerusalem, Kadosh is kosher. This ensures that the ingredients and preparation methods adhere to Jewish dietary laws.

Fresh Ingredients: The café prides itself on using fresh, high-quality ingredients. Many pastries and dishes are made from scratch daily, ensuring freshness and flavour.

Shila-Sharon Cohen’s Kitchen Bar:

Is an esteemed culinary spot in Tel Aviv, popular among both locals and visitors. The restaurant has made a mark with its vibrant atmosphere and an array of mouth-watering dishes.

Menu: The restaurant serves a diverse range of dishes, blending Mediterranean flavours with international touches. The menu includes fresh seafood, juicy steaks, vibrant salads, and an array of appetizers for sharing. The dishes often showcase local ingredients, ensuring freshness and authenticity.

Cocktails and Drinks: Apart from the delectable food, Shila also boasts a robust drink menu. Their bartenders craft creative cocktails, and there’s a varied selection of wines, beers, and other beverages to complement the dishes.


Is one of Jerusalem’s most iconic culinary destinations. Renowned for its innovative approach to traditional Israeli and Middle Eastern cuisine, this restaurant is a must-visit for food enthusiasts in the region.

Menu: The menu at Machneyuda changes frequently, reflecting the seasonality and availability of ingredients. This ensures that diners always get the freshest dishes. From delectable appetizers and mains to intricate desserts, every dish is a testament to the chefs’ creativity.

Signature Dishes: While the menu might change, some signature dishes have earned rave reviews, such as the polenta with asparagus, mushroom, and truffle oil or the beef tartare with plums.

Drinks: Apart from the culinary delights, Machneyuda also boasts a varied beverage menu, featuring local wines, creative cocktails, and other alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

Engage with the flavors

Israel is not just a tapestry of historical narratives and breathtaking landscapes; it’s a culinary storybook waiting to be explored one dish at a time. As you wind down your journey, the memories of flavours, aromas, and the warmth of Israeli hospitality will remain, urging you to return and taste more of this land’s offerings. To experience Israel is to savour it, and we hope this guide serves as your compass to its most delectable corners. Safe travels and bon appétit!

As the sun dips below the Mediterranean horizon, painting a silhouette of Jerusalem’s skyline, the myriad flavors of Israel remain etched in memory.

Whether you’re seeking an immersive Jewish cultural experience or simply wish to explore the vibrant tapestry of this ancient land, Israel Travel Advisory Service is your trusted guide.

Their expertise ensures a seamless journey through the Holy Land, from tailor-made custom Israel tours to comprehensive Israel vacation tours.

Dive deep into heritage with Jewish Israel tours, or maximize your stay with enriching Israel day tours. For those travelling with loved ones, Israel family tours curate experiences for every age.

With ITAS Tours by your side, every query is addressed by their detailed Israel travel advisory, ensuring that your voyage transcends an ordinary holiday. Trust in their legacy of crafting memorable Israel tours and embark on an adventure that resonates long after you’ve returned home. Safe travels!

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Categories: Israel Tour

Beautiful Lookout Points in the North of Israel

Jewels of Elevation: Northern Israel’s Historic Lookout Points

Northern Israel is a tapestry of rolling hills and historic landscapes. Stretching from the coastal Mount Carmel to the majestic Golan Mountains in the east, the region possesses breathtaking elevated terrains that have witnessed significant chapters of human history. Now transformed into lookouts, these panoramic heights offer unparalleled views of this timeless land.

Historically, these vantage points held strategic military significance. Over the centuries, these elevated spots provided defensive advantages, offering early warnings against impending invasions. As you traverse these scenic points, you’ll unearth the intriguing stories etched into their landscapes.

Mitzpe Golani (Echoes of David Shirazzi):

Previously a Syrian military stronghold, Tel Facher today is a tribute to the brave Israeli soldiers who reclaimed it in 1967. Here, the Golani soldiers thwarted the looming threats of enemy forces. Central to this memorial is the heart-wrenching tale of Private David Shirazzi, who shielded his comrades by using his body as a protective barrier, fully aware of the consequences. From Mitzpe Golani, the panoramic Hula Valley sprawls below, a silent witness to the sacrifices made.

Mitzpe Golani is one of the many memorials dedicated to the brave soldiers of the Golani Brigade, one of the most decorated infantry brigades in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). Established in 1948, the brigade has played a significant role in all of Israel’s wars, defending the northern borders against regular armies and guerrilla forces.

Tel Facher, where Mitzpe Golani is located, was a former Syrian military base, symbolizing Israel’s challenges from its northern neighbours. In the 1967 Six-Day War, the Golani Brigade soldiers played a pivotal role in capturing this strategic point, neutralizing the threat posed by Syrian forces to Israeli civilians in the valley below.

These battles were not without cost. The memorial site commemorates the lives lost during these and subsequent operations, highlighting the sacrifices made by soldiers for the defence and survival of the State of Israel.

The tale of David Shirazzi is one of personal heroism and sacrifice. It’s not uncommon for such memorial sites to focus on individual acts of bravery, encapsulating the spirit of the unit or the broader Israeli defence ethos within the narrative of a single soldier’s sacrifice.

Mitzpor Eitan Memorial & Vista:

Nestled on the Lebanese frontier, this intimate memorial contrasts grander sites like Mount Herzl. Dedicated to Major Eitan Balachsun, who met his end in Lebanon in 1999, this lookout is a poignant homage atop the scenic Hula Valley, close to Major Balachsun’s boyhood residence. Visitors can marvel at the picturesque Golan Heights and distant Lebanese mountains here.

“Mitzpor” usually refers to a lookout or vista point in Hebrew, and “Eitan” is a common Hebrew name that means “strong” or “steadfast.”

Suppose this is a recent development or a lesser-known landmark. In that case, you might find the most accurate and up-to-date information about this memorial’s location through local news sources, official websites, or tourism boards

Mitzpe Shalom Lookout in the Golan:

Also termed the Peace Lookout or Peace Vista, Mitzpe Shalom offers a stunning panorama of the Sea of Galilee (the Kinneret) and Tiberias. On an unclouded day, the distant Tzfat and Mount Tavor emerge on the horizon. Adjacent trails lead explorers through sparkling springs, vibrant flora, and sprawling fig trees. For a more extended experience, consider staying at the Peace Vista Country Lodge, boasting warm saline cave pools.

The Mitzpe Hashalom Lookout is an expansive concrete platform that boasts unparalleled views of the Kinneret. For those seeking a closer encounter with nature, a challenging set of stairs leads down from the viewpoint, meandering through vibrant wildflowers to reveal the secluded Maayan Mitzpe Hashalom spring.

Mount Bental IDF Bunker Vista:

Overlooking the renowned Valley of Tears, the scene of a pivotal tank skirmish during the Yom Kippur War, Mount Bental offers an enlightening experience. This vantage point, where 160 Israeli tanks faced off against a Syrian armada of 1,500, is a solemn reminder of the sacrifices made. Besides its historical richness, visitors can absorb sweeping views of the northeastern Golan Heights and even peek into Syria.

Mount Bental is one of the most well-known and frequently visited locations in the Golan Heights.

Strategic Importance: Mount Bental is one of the strategic points in the Golan Heights, rising about 1,170 meters above sea level. Its height and location made it a prime military observation point, particularly during the conflict.

Yom Kippur War: One of the most significant events near Mount Bental was the Battle of the Valley of Tears during the Yom Kippur War in 1973. A vastly outnumbered Israeli force held off Syrian advancements in one of military history’s most intense tank battles. The IDF bunker on Mount Bental was pivotal during this time.

Tourist Attraction: Today, the old military bunkers on Mount Bental have become a tourist attraction. The underground bunker system has been opened to the public and has informational displays about the battles there. Visitors can walk through the bunkers, peek through observation holes, and get a feel for the conditions soldiers experience.

Breathtaking Views: From the vista atop Mount Bental, visitors are afforded panoramic views of the Golan Heights, the Valley of Tears, and even parts of Syria. On clear days, one can observe Quneitra, a Syrian ghost town, and the vast expanse of the demilitarized zone between Israel and Syria.

Coffee Anan: Near the vista is a café humorously named “Coffee Anan,” a play on the words “coffee cloud” in Hebrew and a nod to Kofi Annan, the former Secretary-General of the United Nations. It’s a popular spot for tourists to grab a drink and enjoy the view.

Art Installations: The area has some unique metal sculptures created by Dutch artist Joop de Jong. These pieces of art, combined with the natural beauty of the region and its historical significance, make Mount Bental a multifaceted attraction.

Mount Bental offers a blend of history, nature, and art for anyone visiting Israel’s northern region, making it a must-visit location.

Kibbutz Misgav-Am Panorama:

At Israel’s northernmost tip near Metula, Kibbutz Misgav-Am provides a bird’s-eye view of Israeli and Lebanese landscapes. On clear days, visitors are treated to a vast vista encompassing the Hula Valley, the Golan Heights, the snow-capped Mount Hermon, and even a glimpse of the Mediterranean Sea. Visiting here is also an educational journey, with guides recounting the intriguing history of Israel’s northernmost kibbutz.

The north of Israel is not just a journey through scenic landscapes; it’s a walk through time, where every vista holds tales of bravery, sacrifice, and endurance.

Kibbutz Misgav-Am is situated in the Upper Galilee region in the northernmost part of Israel, close to the borders with Lebanon and Syria.

Historical Background: Established in 1945, Kibbutz Misgav-Am has faced its share of challenges, given its proximity to volatile borders. It was founded by members of the “Hanoar Haoved” youth movement, and throughout the years, its members have played active roles in Israel’s defence and development.

Strategic Importance: Due to its location atop the Naphtali mountain range, the kibbutz has served as a vital vantage point for monitoring activities along the borders, especially during tension with neighbouring countries.

The Lookout Point: The Panorama at Misgav-Am, often called the Misgav-Am Lookout Point, offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes. From this point, visitors can see vast stretches of northern Israel, the Hula Valley, parts of the Golan Heights, snow-capped Mount Hermon, and the distant Mediterranean Sea on clear days. In addition to the Israeli landscapes, you can also gaze into Lebanese territories, giving a sense of the proximity and complexities of regional geopolitics.

A Living Testimony: Kibbutz Misgav-Am is a testament to the resilience and pioneering spirit of the early kibbutzim. Despite the challenges of its location, it has thrived and continued to contribute to Israeli society in various capacities.

Facilities: The kibbutz has evolved over the years, offering its residents and visitors modern amenities. It’s common for kibbutzim like Misgav-Am to have guest accommodations, dining facilities, and recreational areas.

For visitors interested in the intricate tapestry of Israel’s history, culture, and geopolitics, Kibbutz Misgav-Am offers a unique perspective, literally and metaphorically. The Panorama provides a visual feast, while the stories and experiences of the kibbutz members offer deep insights into life on Israel’s northern frontier.

Ready to discover what the North of Israel has to offer?

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For those keen on delving deep into their heritage, our Israel Jewish tours provide a profound connection to the land and the people of Israel. Every aspect of Israeli tours is meticulously planned, considering the latest Israel travel advisory and ensuring a safe journey filled with insightful experiences. So, whether it’s your first visit or a return to this historic land, ITAS is the gold standard for Israeli vacation tours, promising memories that last a lifetime.



Categories: Israel Tour

Exploring the Hidden Corners of Tel Aviv: A Journey into the City's Best-Kept Secrets

Tel Aviv, the vibrant cultural heart of Israel, is a city teeming with history, art, and life.

While it’s renowned for its bustling nightlife, sunny beaches, and impressive skyscrapers, I’ve been lucky enough to explore a lesser-known side of Tel Aviv.

Journey with us as we recount the delightful encounters with the city’s hidden gems, offering a glimpse into the soul of this magical place.

Unearthing the History in Neve Tzedek

The picturesque neighbourhood of Neve Tzedek is one of Tel Aviv’s oldest and most charming districts.

The area, established in the late 19th century, even before the city, is a labyrinth of narrow lanes filled with well-preserved Bauhaus-style buildings, vibrant boutiques, and artisanal cafés.

At the heart of Neve Tzedek lies the Shalom Meir Tower, once Israel’s tallest building. The view from the top is breathtaking, offering a 360-degree panorama of the city.

Nearby, the Suzanne Dellal Centre, known for its beautifully landscaped courtyards and renovated dance studios, hosts some of the best contemporary dance shows in the country.

The Bohemian Spirit of Florentin

Florentin is one of the most vibrant and intriguing neighbourhoods in Tel Aviv, known for its distinctive blend of grit and creativity.

It has emerged as a hot spot for artists, musicians, and young professionals, drawing comparisons to New York’s Soho district.

One of Florentin’s most striking features is its street art. Wandering through its narrow streets and alleyways, you’ll encounter various murals and graffiti ranging from political statements to abstract designs, transforming the neighbourhood into an open-air gallery. These works of art continuously evolve, reflecting the area’s dynamic energy.

Florentin is also a hub for nightlife, with various bars, clubs, and music venues catering to diverse tastes. It’s common to find live music performances in the neighbourhood, contributing to its lively atmosphere.

Furthermore, the neighbourhood is home to Levinsky Market, one of Tel Aviv’s most famous markets. Here, you can find a variety of spices, nuts, dried fruits, and delicacies from various cuisines, particularly Persian, Greek, and Turkish. It’s a food lover’s paradise and a must-visit for anyone seeking an authentic taste of Tel Aviv.

Despite the neighbourhood’s modern transformation, traces of its old charm remain in the form of old bakeries, carpentry shops, and metalwork stores, adding to the area’s unique appeal. Florentin offers a mix of the old and new, providing a glimpse into the city’s history and ever-evolving contemporary culture.

The Serene Escape at Tel Aviv Port Area

The Tel Aviv Port Area, locally known as Namal Tel Aviv, is a bustling, vibrant waterfront district popular with locals and tourists.

Once a functioning port, the area has been transformed into an entertainment and leisure hub with shops, eateries, and recreational activities.

A defining feature of the Tel Aviv Port Area is its broad wooden deck, designed in a wave-like form, perfect for a leisurely walk with beautiful views of the Mediterranean Sea. It’s particularly striking at sunset when the area is bathed in warm hues.

The port area offers a wide range of dining options for food enthusiasts. It houses everything from high-end restaurants to food stalls selling fresh produce, seafood, and local delicacies. Shuk Hanamal, an indoor market located here, is a must-visit for gourmet and organic food lovers.

The port area also caters to shoppers with its various stores, offering fashion, design items, and unique local products. Furthermore, there are numerous galleries and spaces dedicated to art and culture.

Recreational activities are abundant in the port area, from biking and rollerblading along dedicated paths to renting paddleboards or kayaks for a marine adventure. The port is also famous for events, including outdoor concerts, festivals, and weekly farmers’ markets.

For families, there’s a spacious playground for kids and a carousel that’s a favourite among the young ones.

With its energetic atmosphere, the Tel Aviv Port Area merges leisure, dining, shopping, and culture in one picturesque location, making it a must-visit part of the city.

The Hustle and Bustle of Carmel Market

Every trip to Tel Aviv is complete with a visit to the Carmel Market. As the city’s most significant and busiest marketplace, it’s an explosion of colours, smells, and sounds.

Carmel Market, or Shuk Hacarmel, is Tel Aviv’s most significant and liveliest market. Founded in the 1920s, it is in the city center and captures Tel Aviv’s energetic spirit.

This open-air market is a vibrant sensory experience brimming with diverse produce. Fresh fruits, vegetables, spices, meats, cheeses, and baked goods are plentiful, and food stalls serve enticing local and international meals.

Beyond its food offerings, Carmel Market also houses stalls selling clothes, accessories, household goods, and more at attractive prices.

Carmel Market isn’t merely a shopping destination; it’s a cultural hub where you can observe locals bargaining and vendors promoting their goods.

Fridays are exceptionally bustling as locals prepare for Shabbat. Whether you’re a food enjoyer, a shopper, or a culture seeker, a visit to Carmel Market promises a vivid slice of Tel Aviv life.

Art and Culture at the Rubin Museum

The Rubin Museum, located in the heart of Tel Aviv, is dedicated to the life and works of the internationally acclaimed Israeli painter Reuven Rubin.

Housed in the artist’s former residence, the museum is a window into Rubin’s art, soul, and personal journey, often credited with shaping the early 20th-century Israeli art scene.

Born in Romania, Rubin immigrated to British Mandate Palestine in the early 1920s, producing some of the most iconic images of the young nation.

His vibrant, colourful paintings frequently depicted landscapes, cityscapes, and everyday scenes from Israeli life, and they continue to be celebrated for their unique blend of European art styles with Middle Eastern themes.

The Rubin Museum houses a comprehensive collection of Rubin’s works spanning his entire career, including oils, watercolours, drawings, and etchings.

The permanent exhibition features his famous Tel Aviv cityscapes, portraits of the country’s pioneers, depictions of Biblical scenes, and lush Galilean landscapes.

The museum also showcases Rubin’s original furniture, personal items, and a studio recreation, providing a glimpse into the artist’s daily life.

Temporary exhibitions featuring other artists and educational programs, workshops, and guided tours further enrich the museum’s offerings.

Visiting the Rubin Museum allows art enthusiasts to appreciate one of Israel’s most influential artists and better understand the nation’s cultural history.

The museum is situated in a beautifully restored Bauhaus building, and its rooftop terrace provides splendid views of the Tel Aviv skyline. Check the museum’s official website for current exhibitions and visitor information.

Ready for these gems to surprise you?

Unearthing these hidden gems provided a refreshing perspective on Tel Aviv, a city pulsating with untold stories far beyond the typical tourist attractions.

It was a true privilege to delve into this lesser-known side of Tel Aviv, and the anticipation of discovering more of its best-kept secrets makes a return trip irresistible.

If you’re contemplating a visit, remember – don’t merely see Tel Aviv; immerse yourself in its rhythm, capture its spirit, and live its vibrant character.

There’s a magical journey waiting for you, a journey best experienced with ITAS Tours. Specializing in the best tours of Israel, ITAS Tours crafts experiences that respect this land’s deep historical and religious significance.

For those pondering trips to Israel, their expertise guarantees an enlightening and enriching exploration.

Balancing the resonances of biblical history with the dynamic modern cityscapes, Trips to Israel presents an unparalleled fusion of ancient times and the contemporary era.

With ITAS Tours’ Israel, the enduring charm of Israel unravels in a transformative journey of faith, heritage, and discovery like never before.



Categories: Israel Tour

Adventure Bonding: Outdoor Activities for Families in Israel

Israel, the historic and diverse gem of the Middle East, offers an array of family-friendly activities that extend beyond its famous religious and archaeological sites.

From the cool confines of ancient caves to the hands-on excitement of interactive museums, this vibrant nation has something to captivate every age and interest.

Whether seeking a respite from the summer heat, an immersive experience in science or history, or a chance to unleash creativity through art, Israel promises a memorable journey for families.

Dive into this guide and discover the experiences awaiting you in this dynamic country.

Beaches and Coasts

Israel’s coastline spans 273 kilometers (170 miles), making it a top summer destination. The Mediterranean’s warm embrace, with temperatures around 30°C (86°F), feels like a warm bath. Here are some family-friendly Mediterranean beaches to consider:

Shavei Tzion Beach:

South of Nahariya is known for its natural seawater pool.

Achziv Beach

It is a delightful space between Nahariya and Rosh Hanikra, with lagoons to frolic in.

Dor (Tantura) Beach by Zichron Ya’akov boasts natural wave barriers.

Beit Yannai Beach

Near Caesarea it is the go-to for kite-surfing and observing turtle nesting zones.

Palmachim Beach National Park

Close to Rishon LeZion, it is ideal for sandcastle enthusiasts.

Tel Baruch Beach in Tel Aviv

It is characterized by ample parking and family-friendly eateries.

Additionally, the Red Sea, Dead Sea, and Sea of Galilee offer stunning beach experiences. Remarkably, fifty-two of Israel’s beaches have earned the Blue Flag certification for their exceptional standards across various domains.

Wildlife Experiences

The Tisch Family Zoological Gardens in Jerusalem houses a unique collection of wildlife in natural settings.

For an immersive experience, visit the Ramat Gan Safari near Tel Aviv, which merges the thrill of a safari with a traditional zoo spread over 250 acres.

Zoos are also located in Haifa, Rishon LeZion, and Beersheva. Animal enthusiasts can hand-feed kangaroos at Gan Garoo in Nir David or explore the Ya’ar HaAyalim deer forest in Golan Heights.

The Israeli Primate Sanctuary near Modi’in offers a chance to meet diverse primate species. Freedom Farm Sanctuary in Olesh focuses on the compassionate care of animals saved from various distressing situations.

Explore Parrot Park in Kfar Hess, north of Tel Aviv, and be enchanted by parrots from all over the world. Many are gentle enough to interact with, and the park also features a petting zoo, educational films, craft activities, pony rides, and games.

Utopia Orchid Park on Kibbutz Bahan offers another opportunity to interact with tame parrots. The park also showcases butterflies, exotic plants, tropical rainforests, and a mesmerizing musical water fountain.

Jerusalem Bird Observatory and Rosh Tzipur Birdwatching Center in Tel Aviv offer urban birdwatching and demonstrations for budding ornithologists. Explore bird centers in the Jordan Valley, Ma’agan Michael, Eilat, and Ramat Hanegev.

Engaging Water Adventures & Parks

Elevate your parent status by introducing your kids to the world of water sports!

Enjoy pedal boating and rowing at locations like Yarkon Park in Tel Aviv, Timna Park near Eilat, and the Pool of Arches in Ramla.

If seeking more thrill, Jordan River Rafting in the Upper Galilee offers rafting, kayaking, and other outdoor adventures. Kfar Blum Kayaks and Shvil Hatapuzim on the northwest coast are great spots for kayaking enthusiasts.

Israel’s water parks are perfect for cooling off during the summer. Popular choices include Meymadion in Tel Aviv, Yamit 2000 in Holon, Shefayim Water Park near Netanya, and Gai Beach Water Park in Tiberias.

In Tel Aviv, the renowned Sunshine SUP, located close to Jaffa Port, welcomes English speakers with offerings ranging from SUP yoga, Pilates, and meditation. They also cater to surfing enthusiasts, offering beginner classes and equipment rentals.

Make memories during their special family days or the wholesome “paddling picnic” when the sea is tranquil.

Are you journeying to Eilat? Delve into underwater adventures with snorkelling lessons for all ages and scuba lessons for those aged eight and above at Nautilus Red Sea or Snuba Eilat.

Aqua-Sport and Shulamit’s Eilat Diving Adventures offer scuba diving for individuals aged 12 and above.

While not on the scale of Disneyland, Israel’s amusement parks promise hours of fun. Magic Kass in Ma’aleh Adumim is a vast indoor park overlooking the Dead Sea.

Luna Park in Tel Aviv, Superland in Rishon LeZion, Shvil Hatapuzim near Hadera, and Kiftzuba on Kibbutz Tzuba cater to diverse age groups with various rides and activities. Balagan at Kibbutz Yagur, located in the Haifa region, is inclusive and perfect for kids aged 1-15.

Unearth History

Engage your kids’ innate curiosity for digging with family-friendly archaeological experiences!

Though most digs require participants to be 16, the Dig for a Day at Beit Guvrin National Park welcomes families. Here, you’re uncovering artifacts from the Maccabean period with age-appropriate tools provided.

The Temple Mount Sifting Project promises another unique digging experience. Find genuine historical treasures amid Temple Mount debris.

Camel Expeditions in Israel

No family trip to Israel is complete without a camel ride! Immerse yourself in desert landscapes atop these magnificent creatures.

Opt for ethical and safe riding experiences in the Negev desert. The Negev Camel Ranch offers more than camel rides; think hiking, mountain biking, and jeep tours.

Underground Wonders: Israeli Caves

Escape the sizzling summer sun by delving into Israel’s enchanting caves. Spread throughout Israel, these easily accessible caves provide a break and a chance to uncover the secrets of nature, geology, and ancient history.

Top picks include the Stalactite Cave Nature Reserve and Beit Guvrin-Maresha National Park near Beit Shemesh. Zedekiah’s Cave beneath Jerusalem’s Old City is historically significant and spacious enough to accommodate events!

Let kids have a blast at the ancient Roman aqueducts while you time travel through Caesarea’s rich history.

From caves to museums, beaches to kibbutzim, Israel offers many adventures perfect for families looking to make the most of their summer!

Explore marine caves at Rosh Hanikra, and dive into Israel’s historic underground world with tours of the Western Wall Tunnels, Hezekiah’s Tunnel, Mey Kedem, and the Templars Tunnel in Acre. Each location promises a distinct experience suitable for various age groups.

Arts, History, and Museums Galore

Proudly boasting one of the world’s highest museum counts per capita, Israel offers a plethora of captivating museums for families:

– Israel Museum’s Youth Wing:

Features free entry for children and engaging family activities like recycled art workshops.

– Israeli Children’s Museum in Holon:

A diverse exploration hub designed for various age groups. Older children can even experience simulations of being deaf, blind, or elderly.

– Lunada Children’s Museum in Beersheva:

Offers interactive experiences from art to astronomy.

– Biblical Museum of Natural History in Beit Shemesh:

Part zoo, part museum, it’s a fun educational journey into the Bible’s animal kingdom.

– Tower of David Museum in Jerusalem:

Newly renovated, it makes history come alive for even the youngest visitors.

Science Wonders

Israel, a global science leader, has interactive science museums tailored for the young and curious:

– Bloomfield Science Museum and the National Aquarium in Jerusalem

– MadaTech National Museum in Haifa

– Carasso Science Park in Beersheva

– Technoda Science Museum in Hadera

Ready for more?

In the tapestry of Israel’s rich history, vibrant culture, and stunning landscapes, there’s no better companion for exploration than ITAS Tours.

Specializing in Israel family tours, we excel in crafting experiences tailored to individual interests through their custom Israel tours.

Whether you’re seeking in-depth Israel Jewish tours or just have a day to spare with their Israel day tours, ITAS Tours ensures every moment in this ancient land is unforgettable.

Our expertise extends beyond just itinerary planning; with a finger on the pulse of the region, we provide valuable Israel travel advisory services to ensure safe and enriching journeys.

For those drawn to the deep-rooted traditions and landmarks, our Jewish Israel tours offer a poignant dive into the culture. When you think of Israeli tours, think ITAS – your passport to a seamless and profound journey through this captivating country.



Categories: Israel Tour

Delving into Jerusalem's Hidden Corners: A Journey into the Enigmatic Wonders of the Ancient City

Jerusalem, famous for its iconic landmarks like the Western Wall, the Hurva Synagogue, and the Israel National Museum, is steeped in deep history and religious importance. However, this ancient city is also a treasure chest brimming with less-explored marvels and compelling stories waiting to be unearthed.

Unraveling the Secrets of the Western Wall: 

While it’s common to see thousands of people placing their written prayers into the cracks of the age-old limestone Western Wall, many don’t realize the labyrinth of mysteries hidden beneath it. These are the Kotel Tunnels, an underground network of passages, home to a special section – Wilson’s Arch. This awe-inspiring stone structure is the relic of a majestic bridge that once connected the city to the Temple Mount. Exploring this place feels akin to time travel, offering a personal connection to the thriving ancient civilization.

Unveiling the Mysteries of Zedekiah’s Cave:

As we emerge from the Kotel Tunnels, our journey takes us deeper into Jerusalem’s concealed secrets. Our next stop is Zedekiah’s Cave, an expansive underground limestone quarry under the Old City. Known as Solomon’s Quarries, this great cavernous space traces its roots back to the First Temple period. Standing here, you’d be amidst an area where, as per legend, King Solomon sourced stones to construct the First Temple. The enormity of this place and its historical importance make it an intriguing hidden treasure.

The Enigmatic Golden Gate:

Also known as Sha’ar HaRachamim in Hebrew, the Golden Gate, one of the obsolete entries to the Old City, holds significant spiritual relevance in Jewish tradition. It is believed to be the gate destined for the Messiah’s entry into Jerusalem. But to counter this prophesied event, Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent sealed it in the 16th century. Despite being closed, the gate continues to inspire as a symbol of faith and history.

Jerusalem’s Unique Burial Grounds:

Our journey also takes us to Jerusalem’s unique cemeteries, each reflecting the city’s diverse cultural and religious heritage. Israel’s National Cemetery at Mt. Herzl, named after Theodor Herzl – the visionary of modern Zionism, is of profound national importance.

Besides Herzl’s tomb, this cemetery is the final resting place of several of Israel’s renowned leaders and war heroes, such as Golda Meir, Yitzhak Rabin, and Shimon Peres. We also explore the ancient Kidron Valley tombs, dating back to the Second Temple period. Here, the Tomb of Zechariah and the Tomb of Absalom emerge as iconic structures, recounting tales of Jerusalem’s ancient history.

Our exploration into Jerusalem’s lesser-known wonders brings to light a city brimming with secrets, each nook narrating tales from an era long past. Jerusalem adds a new layer of fascination with every visit, whether to the enigmatic Kotel Tunnels, the impressive Zedekiah’s Cave, the enshrouded Golden Gate, or the intriguing cemeteries.

We hope this deep dive into Jerusalem’s uncharted territories have stirred your curiosity and left you craving more. At Israel Travel Advisory Service, we are committed to creating memorable experiences catered to your interests. Whether you’re a history enthusiast, an adventurous spirit, or a laid-back traveller, we have something for everyone. So, are you geared up for your next escapade? Jerusalem and its concealed wonders await you!



Categories: Israel Tour

Israel Tourism - How to Keep It Safe & Memorable

Israel is a culturally and historically rich country in the Middle East that has long been known as the homeland of Jewish people and an essential part of the Holy Land. However, people often wonder if it’s safe to travel to Israel.

Despite the negative media portrayal, the reality of traveling to Israel is much brighter. In this guide, we’ll address Israeli tourism’s safety concerns and provide tips for a safe and enjoyable trip.

Traveling to Israel: Is It Safe?

Traveling to Israel is safe thanks to its low crime rate. However, awareness of the increased risk of conflict in certain areas is crucial. Exercise caution and stay updated with the latest travel advisories.

In 2022, Israel ranked among the top five safest travel destinations globally based on factors such as homicide rate, road traffic deaths, and unsanitary conditions. This ranking reaffirms that travelling to Israel is safe.

Precautions To Be Taken

While Israel is primarily safe for travelers, exercise caution when visiting specific locations. Risky areas include the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and the security situation in Palestinian territories is unstable. Avoid traveling to these areas due to the risks of civil unrest.

By taking the proper precautions, travelers can have a safe and enjoyable trip to Israel. Carefully planning your trip to Israel and learning about the country can help alleviate concerns and provide a deeper appreciation for its sites.

Research Before Departure                      

Thorough research is essential for any trip, especially for first-time visitors. Understanding the local culture, history, and customs can lead to a more insightful journey and help avoid misunderstandings.

Respecting traditions and avoiding controversial subjects or actions will ensure a pleasant experience in Israel. Familiarize yourself with appropriate customs and clothing to maximize your trip. Some essential dos and don’ts during your Israel visit include:

  • Leave a tip in restaurants and cafes.
  • Stand still during Yom Hazikaron and Holocaust Remembrance Day.
  • Avoid travelling on Shabbat.
  • Refrain from discussing politics.
  • Show respect to the IDF soldiers on the streets.
  • Avoid physical contact with Orthodox Jews of the opposite sex.
  • Refrain from hugging or kissing acquaintances.
  • Though most Israelis speak fluent English and are willing to help tourists, learning basic Hebrew can enhance your interactions with locals and prove useful when negotiating with street vendors.
  • Keep your papers handy at airports. Israel provides paper visas instead of passport stamps. Keep this paper with you to prove your eligibility to enter the country and avoid issues with security guards.
  • Expect strict airport security. Israel’s airports are known for their high-level security and multiple screenings. Arrive early for your flight and consider using VIP services for a smoother experience.
  • Prepare for military presence. Soldiers often patrol the streets carrying weapons casually, and military service is essential in Israel, and their company is common. Over time, their presence becomes a memorable part of the experience.
  • Israel is generally safe for solo female travellers. Security personnel are visible throughout the country, and locals are friendly and helpful. However, staying updated on safety advisories and exercising caution is essential.

Safe Destinations to Travel in Israel

Despite its complex political situation, many areas in Israel are well-protected and secure. Here are some safe destinations to consider for your trip:

Tel Aviv: A friendly and safe city with low crime rates and a strong security system.

Jerusalem: Home to many religious sites, Jerusalem is generally safe, but modest clothing is necessary when visiting places like the Western Wall.

Haifa: Known for its low crime rates, Haifa is a safe destination. As you would anywhere you travel, stay alert, especially on public transport.

The Negev: A beautiful region with well-trained rescue units and high-quality medical assistance.

Dead Sea: A popular site with few safety concerns, allowing tourists to enjoy its beauty fully.

Galilee: A safe area free from political tensions, offering lovely resorts and restaurants.

Tips for Public Transportation, Costs, Clothing & Cuisine

Even though Israel is relatively safe for tourists, here are some general tips to keep in mind when you travel:

  • Politely decline offers of help or assistance from strangers to avoid scams.
  • Ensure taxi drivers use the meter to prevent overcharging.
  • Cover the number pad when entering your PIN at ATMs.
  • Use credit cards or exchange currency in advance to reduce the risk of scams.
  • Keep valuables hidden from public view to prevent pickpocketing.
  • Stay vigilant in crowded areas and during public disturbances.
  • Dress modestly when visiting religious sites and choose conservative clothing for rural areas.
  • Familiarize yourself with Kosher food rules, as many religious areas in Israel serve Kosher meals, but remember that non-Kosher options are also available.

Travelling to Israel During Coronavirus: Health & Safety Advice

The COVID-19 situation in Israel has improved significantly, resulting in dramatic changes to its entry rules. Israel is now open to travelers from all countries, and vaccination records or pre/post-flight testing are no longer required. Additionally, travelers are no longer required to quarantine upon arrival.

Still, staying informed on news and regulations is important whenever you plan a trip to Israel. Stay updated and consult resources like the government’s Foreign Travel Advice for more information.

Is It Safe to Travel to Israel Now?

Traveling to Israel can be an enriching and unforgettable experience, offering a unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty. While it’s essential to be aware of the potential challenges and safety concerns, you can rest assured that planning and research can help you make the most of your visit.

Embrace the opportunity to explore this remarkable country, engage with its diverse communities, and immerse yourself in its vibrant traditions. With an open mind and a sense of adventure, you’ll discover that Israel has much to offer and will leave a lasting impression on your heart.

Ready to Embark on Your Next Adventure?

At Israel Travel Advisory Service, we are committed to providing exceptional Israel Family Tours and Israel Tours tailored to your preferences. From custom Israel tours to vacation tours made to your needs to ensure you have the best experience. We are here to support and guide you through every phase of your travel, ensuring your adventure is seamless and enjoyable.



Categories: Israel Tour

Things You May Not Know About Jerusalem

5 Hidden Gems in Jerusalem You Probably Haven’t Heard Of

Jerusalem, a city steeped in ancient history and spiritual significance, captivates millions of visitors annually with its renowned Jewish landmarks, such as the Western Wall, the City of David Archaeological Park, and the Hurva Synagogue.

However, the city’s labyrinthine streets and hidden corners conceal a treasure trove of lesser-known gems and intriguing stories waiting to be discovered.

Join us as we embark on a journey off the beaten path to delve into Jerusalem’s secret stories and unveil some of its most fascinating, lesser-known aspects and treasures.

The Tunnels Beneath the Western Wall:

While the Western Wall is famous for being the holiest site for Jewish prayer, few people know about the chamber that lies beneath it. Known as “The Kotel Tunnels,” these underground passages offer a glimpse into the ancient history of Jerusalem. One of the fascinating sections is Wilson’s Arch, an ancient stone bridge that once connected the Temple Mount to the city.

The Siebenberg House

The Siebenberg House is one of the most intriguing hidden treasures of Jerusalem. The owner of the house, Theo Siebenberg, moved to the Old City of Jerusalem in 1970 and began excavating underneath his home. Years of digging have revealed mikvahs, cisterns, an aqueduct, and a burial vault dating to the days of King David. Some of the artifacts discovered include pottery, mosaics, and coins. The Siebenberg House/Museum is open to the public for tours.

Zedekiah’s Cave:

Also known as Solomon’s Quarries, Zedekiah’s Cave is a massive underground limestone quarry beneath the Old City. Spanning over 5 acres, the cave holds secrets dating back to the First Temple period. It’s said that King Solomon himself used stones from this quarry to build the First Temple.

The Sealed Golden Gate:

The Golden Gate, or Sha’arHaRachamim in Hebrew, is one of the oldest gates of the Old City walls. According to Jewish tradition, the Messiah will enter Jerusalem at this gate. However, the gate has been sealed since the 16th century by Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, allegedly to prevent the Messiah’s arrival. The gate remains important for Jewish visitors despite its closure.

The Unique Cemeteries of Jerusalem:

Jerusalem is home to several unique cemeteries that reflect the city’s diverse cultural and religious history. One such example is the Protestant Mount Zion Cemetery, where prominent individuals like Horatio Spafford, the author of the hymn “It Is Well with My Soul,” and Sir John Bagot Glubb, a British military officer, are buried. Another is the ancient Kidron Valley tombs, believed to date back to the Second Temple period and include the Tomb of Zechariah and the Tomb of Absalom.

Ready for more?

We hope these facts have helped you know more about this fascinating city and the hidden gems it offers.

Jerusalem, a city of endless wonder and winding alleys, offers a treasure trove of lesser-known facts, hidden gems, and enigmatic sites for the curious traveller. From psychological phenomena and unusual cemeteries to secret chambers and tranquil sanctuaries, this ancient city holds countless surprises and never ceases to amaze.

During your next visit to Jerusalem, venture beyond the well-trodden path and delve into the lesser-known marvels and captivating mysteries that await discovery in this incredible destination.

At Israel Travel Advisory Service, we are dedicated to helping you make the most of your trip to Israel. From custom Israel tours to vacation tours made to your needs to ensure you have the best experience. We are here to assist you every step of the way.



Categories: Israel Tour

Discovering the Gems Beyond the Old City Walls in Jerusalem

Jerusalem is a city that seamlessly blends the old and the new, offering a diverse and lively atmosphere. It is a treasure trove of historical significance for the Jewish community and hidden gems throughout its winding streets that travelers and locals should notice. Here is a comprehensive guide to this incredible city’s must-sees, must-dos, and must-eats!

Where to Eat in Jerusalem?

Jerusalem has something to offer, from street food to fine dining for every palate. Whether you’re looking for kosher cuisine or authentic and vibrant flavors, the city has an extensive list of options. Here are a few of our top fine-dining suggestions:

  • Machneyuda – 10 Beit Ya’akov St, Jerusalem – Make a reservation for an unforgettable dining experience!
  • Seoul House – 34 Chabad St, Jewish Quarter, Old City, Jerusalem – authentic Korean food (kosher)
  • The Lavan Restaurant at 11 Hebron Road, inside the Cinematheque, Jerusalem, is known for its pizzas.
  • In Jerusalem, Luciana – 8 Mamilla – is an upmarket Mediterranean restaurant overlooking the Old City walls.

Street Food Finds!

While the above restaurants offer a fantastic dining experience, there is something to be said for the quick bites you can grab. This is a more authentic eating experience in the fast-paced city of Jerusalem. You can grab a bite at a nearby park, busy hummus joint, or even a bench and enjoy some people-watching while savouring these delicious street eats that belong on any Jerusalem bucket list:

  • HaHummus Shel Tchina is a must-visit for hummus lovers in Jerusalem. This hip eatery, located at 23 Nissim Bachar in Jerusalem, offers a unique and trendy dining experience along with its delicious hummus. The combination of its urban vibe and flavorful hummus makes it a popular destination for locals and tourists.
  • For those looking for authentic hummus in Jerusalem’s Old City, Akramawi is the place to go. This hummus joint, located at 2 Nevi’im in the Old City, is known for serving the best in town. The simple menu and fresh ingredients ensure that each bite bursts with flavour.
  • For a unique twist on the classic hummus dish, head to the Machane Yehuda market and try the sabich at Aricha Sabich. Located at 83 Machaneh Yehudah 15, Agripas, Jerusalem, this market find is a must-try for anyone looking to sample the best sabich in town.
  • Urbun Cafe, located at 5 Rehov Ha-Shikma in Jerusalem, offers a sweet treat for anyone with a sweet tooth. Their famous cinnamon rolls are a must-try and will satisfy your sweet cravings. Whether grabbing a quick bite on the go or sitting down for a leisurely breakfast, Urbun Cafe is a must-visit for pastry lovers.
  • Ja’afar Sweets, located on Khan Al-Zeit Street in the Old City of Jerusalem, is a sweet lover’s paradise. With a wide range of sweets on offer, including traditional Middle Eastern sweets and modern desserts, there is something for everyone. Whether you have a sweet tooth or not, Ja’afar Sweets is a must-visit for anyone looking to indulge in a delicious treat.

The Mahane Yehuda Market area provides some great food finds as well. Some must-tries include:

  • Suppose you’re looking for something unique and delicious, head to Ishtabach to taste their specialty, shamburek. This Kurdish-Syrian pastry is filled with various tasty fillings, making it a must-try for anyone visiting the Mahane Yehuda market.
  • For a classic pizza experience, look no further than Pizza Flora. This Italian pizzeria offers the best pizza in town and is a must-visit for anyone looking for a delicious and satisfying meal.
  • Founded in 1952, Azura is a market institution and a must-visit for anyone looking for authentic and delicious food. With a wide range of menu options, Azura is a popular destination for locals and tourists.
  • For a taste of home-cooked meals, head to Manou Ba Shouk. This market find offers a menu that tastes just like your Middle Eastern grandma’s cooking, making it a must-visit for anyone looking for a warm and comforting meal.
  • And, for dessert, head to Mousseline for some of the best ice cream in town. With a wide range of flavours, this ice cream shop is a must-visit for anyone with a sweet tooth. Whether you’re looking for a classic taste or something unique and adventurous, Mousseline has something for everyone.

You will want to take advantage of these fabulous finds!

Explore Israel’s favorite market a bit deeper and discover the tastiest falafel and hummus, the freshest spices, and how to buy them on the Machane Yehuda Market Tour. A local chef will lead a cooking workshop as part of the Machane Yehuda Market Tour & Cooking Workshop.

Explore The Old City

Exploring the Old City is a must-do when in Jerusalem. No visit to the city is complete without seeing the most significant landmarks in the Jewish community, such as the Kotel, the Rabbi’s Tunnel, and the Western Wall. Join a Jerusalem Walking Tour to visit these landmarks and the modern city outside the walls. Or, make a day trip to see mountain fortress built by King Herod, and the Dead Sea by joining our Masada & Dead Sea Tour.

As you wander through the Old City, remember to pick up a pair of handmade leather sandals, a beautiful ceramic bowl, spices, candies, trinkets, and sweets from the Old City market. After a guided tour, return to the Old City alone to get lost in its winding alleys for a truly authentic experience.

Discover Jerusalem Neighborhoods!

While there are plenty of famous and historical sites to visit in Jerusalem, there are also several other must-see places in the city. Check out the Nachalat Shiva neighborhood, dotted with bars, cafes, and galleries and connects to Downtown Jerusalem. The ultra-cool Rehavia neighborhood is also a must-visit, with its main street, Aza, lined with hipster coffee shops and bars. Stroll through the charming old neighborhood of Ein Karem, tucked at the bottom of the Jerusalem Hills, for a different vibe from the Old City and relax in Emek Refaim street in the German colony, with its cute shops, cafes, bakeries, and some great ice cream.

Alternative Must-Sees!

Take a break from the sightseeing and experience some of the local favorites in Jerusalem:

  • Enjoy the beautiful olive trees and hidden paths surrounding the Monastery of the Cross or Gan Sacher.
  • Discover the architectural marvel of the Israeli Supreme Court.
  • Behind Sacher Park in the government quarter, you’ll find the beautiful Wohl Rose Garden.
  • HaMiffal is an arts and culture center where you can find concerts and other local events.

Weekend Vibes

Experience Jerusalem on the weekend during Shabbat (Friday evening to Saturday evening) for a unique experience. Purchases should be made before Friday’s early afternoon closing time. Here are some suggestions for things to do in Jerusalem on the weekend:

  • On Friday mornings, over 120 artists sell their handmade gifts and products at the Bezalel Street Fair.
  • The city transforms into a quiet, almost magical place as Shabbat begins as you stroll through it on the weekend. Yemin Moshe is a beautiful neighborhood to explore by foot on Shabbat.
  • As the weekend draws closer, Machane Yehuda returns to life as a nightlife extravaganza.

Escape The City!

As mesmerizing as Jerusalem is, the city also serves as a great starting point to explore the surrounding areas. Visiting Tel Dan, Rosh HaNikra, or Safed in the Hill Country is a great way to take a break from city life. You can also visit the Ein Gedi in the southern region of Israel on the Dead Sea shores.

You’ll be fine filling your days with much to see and do in Jerusalem. Use this guide as your ultimate Jerusalem bucket list, and start exploring this captivating city!

Jerusalem is a city that has something for everyone. From its rich history and cultural heritage to its modern innovations and vibrant atmosphere, there is never a dull moment in this city. And, with ITAS Tours (Israel Travel Advisory Service), you can experience the best of what Jerusalem offers with their customized tours. Whether you’re interested in an Israel Jewish tour, or a custom Israel tour, ITAS Tours provides a wide range of options to fit your interests and preferences. As a leading Israel tour and travel operator , ITAS ensures your trip to Jerusalem is memorable, safe and seamless.



Categories: Israel Tour

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